Classic Engine Side Mount Kit
1. As a safety precaution, disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Attach rubber motor mounts to engine block using (6) 3/8" N.C. bolts and lock washers.
3. Bolt up steel side mounts using (2) 7/16" x 4 1⁄2” long bolts and lock nuts finger tight. Note: The engine may have to be raised to slip steel mounts in place.
4. Refer to sketch. The leading edge of steel mounts should intersect upper trailing edge or radius of front cross-member as pictures. Rear leg of mount should be flush against inboard surfaces of frame rails. Note: Adjusting position of engine and transmission assembly may be necessary in locating mounts, and minor grinding of mounts may be required for optimum fit.
5. There are two side mount kits available from Williams Classic Chassis Works. The standard kit, locates the engine in the stock position, while the 3/4" forward kit moves the motor forward from stock for extra clearance for distributors and head to firewall clearance. Oil pan to steering linkage clearances should be checked and oil pan sump modifications could be necessary. If the forward location kit is used, the drive-shaft will need to be lengthened a corresponding amount.
6. The standard or 3/4" kits both line up the same way. Take into consideration drive line angle. These mounts somewhat locate themselves but use a level and tape measure to insure proper location.
7. Mock up as much of the steering system, power steering box, and headers as possible while positioning the motor.
8. If the car has stock engine front mounts and transmission bell-housing mounts, these can be used to locate the engine and trans in place while installing the stock location mounts.
9. With engine and trans assembly aligned, begin welding progress by tack welding corners of both mounts to frame. Note: make sure frame is clean and all fuel, brake lines, and other flammable materials are clear of area.
10. Alternate welding passes from side to side to eliminate warping and damaging rubber mounts. Weld as complete as possible, allow to cool before removing engine and trans assembly. Weld as completely around mounts, top and bottom, as possible.
11. MIG or TIG welding processes are highly recommended.
12. Tighten it all up after the welds have cooled.
13. Reconnect ground cable.